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Why stigma ?

A person has a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that's thought to be, or may be actually is, a disadvantage (a negative stereotype). When this is viewed in a negative way, it is stigma Unfortunately, negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have a mental health condition are common.

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Mistake or Bad decision ?

What we all do or did at some point in our life – dismiss your bad decisions by reclassifying them as mistakes.

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Living with the odds

“This is odd” - how many times have we heard this in our lives? How do we know it is odd?

Still thinking
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Passion helps

If enthusiasm and passion are present, people tend to be more resilient when they encounter obstacles. People who are passionate about what they do, rather than just "in it for the money," tend to be people who have more positive outlooks and able to overcome difficulty through problem-solving.

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Why am I upset ?

Hypomania, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression - all big words going around globally now. These were there always, but why so important now?

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Positive vive

“This is odd” - how many times have we heard this in our lives? How do we know it is odd?

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Collect or make memories ?

“Stuff” becomes pretty useless sooner or later. If it doesn’t break or wear out, it becomes obsolete. But cool stories remain forever.

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Pick up a pen and a paper.

Everybody is not Picasso - there was only one Picasso.

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Music for mind

Why people turn to tearjerkers when they’re already down?

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